July 23, 2020
What just happened? Networks of wellness
What just happened? It seems like every 5 minutes we are discovering some new and catastrophic news. I need to reset. Here are some things we do know
- We are therapists
- We help people
- We are good at supporting folk who need us
- There are some very vulnerable people who are about to be isolated
- We can help
- JY trained therapists are masters of control of cross infection
- Continue manufacturing specialist skincare for cancer patients
- Give away as many of the skincare products as I can to as many people in need as I can get it to
- Give free online control of cross infection training to as many people who would like to join (let us know if you would like an invite)
- Develop a network across the UK (and wider, if that works) to connect those who are in need of help with those who can help.
We are a large group of motivated, talented, capable and informed individuals. Watch this space, I have some planning and chatting to do, as soon as I need your help, I will be asking for it. May I suggest that we all concentrate on the things we do know, it feels better than focussing on the unknown, uncertain and unpredictable. Sending enormous love Jennifer All planned courses will be delivered online with full face to face refresher as soon as we are able to welcome you to a training centre.