Weight Gain or Weight Loss

Weight can be influenced by treatment – some patients find it difficult to eat and so loose weight. Some types of surgery make eating and digestion difficult.

In contrast, other treatment regimes involve steroids and patients can put on weight. A new wardrobe and a new approach to selecting clothes may be necessary.

Colour and Complexion

You can use make-up to make you look well, but you will look even better if you use style to your advantage.

‘A friend looked me up and down very critically and said: “Oh, I always thought cancer was meant to make you lose weight.” Luckily I’ve got a sense of humour.’

- Yvonne Newbold, London

According to Melissa Lackersteen of Make Up Matters, the first basic rule of style is to know your colours. If, like me, you have no idea of your colours, the best way to discover them is to visit a style consultant. However, you can do it yourself if you prefer – here’s how...

Go to a shop and choose clothes of very different colours (no patterns yet). Place them under your face and see which suits you best. For the moment, put aside your feelings about wearing the colours. Notice how well you look when you have different colours beneath your chin and make a note of those which make you glow. There will be a big difference in how you look in different colours. Spend some time learning about what suits you.

When you have your colours sorted, it’s time to discover which styles suit your new body shape. Dress for the body you have, not the body you want or the body that you used to have. There is every chance that you will achieve the body shape you want but, for now, work with what you have.

Entire books have been devoted to matching style to body shape. I asked Melissa to help us out with some basic rules:

  • Decide which areas you want to accentuate and which you want to draw attention away from. If you are concerned about being asymmetrical in the chest area, divert attention away from that area.
  • An asymmetrical style will camouflage any unevenness in the body. Asymmetry may be found in a hemline, in detail on a top, or in a design.
  • Draw the eye away from areas that you would prefer not to emphasise, by wearing big jewellery or a short skirt, or by utilising a design detail such as pockets.
  • If you have a small waist, choose something to emphasise it, so taking attention away from your chest. Long legs can be accentuated, as can curves.

I appreciate that it can take a lot of time and effort to discover your style. Women who have invested that time tell me that it is time well spent and that it saves them a fortune.

‘Everyone has colours that help them to look their best. As soon as you discover them, life is easier. If facial colour and complexion change, the colours that suit you best could also change. Bear this in mind if you knew your colours prior to treatment.’

- Melissa Lackersteen, style consultant, Make Up Matters